‘I’m a homophobe and my son is gay’: Dad’s emotional Reddit confession

‘I’m a homophobe and my son is gay’: Dad’s emotional Reddit confession

The father admitted to acts that are many “I’m a homophobe and my son is homosexual” (Pexels and Reddit)

A daddy whom claims he had been a “textbook homophobe” has repented after bullying their son that is gay“every of their life” for two decades.

In a Reddit post titled “I’m a homophobe and my son is homosexual, ” the anonymous moms and dad confessed to attempting to toss their kid out of our home out he was gay after he found.

The anonymous poster, whom spent my youth in Boston before joining the usa aquatic Corps and also the police, additionally admitted to calling their son “a Nancy” for maybe maybe perhaps not attempting to fire their guns, also to attempting to result in the theatre-loving kid “act less homosexual. ”

The daddy told Reddit he attempted to make their homosexual son “act less gay” (Pexels)

“I remember each and every time I’ve stated faggot around him”

The daddy told the LGBT subreddit which he had “hated homosexual individuals so long as i could actually keep in mind and we truthfully don’t know why, ” and that as he discovered he’d a gay son, he “flipped away, said disgusting items to him, s**t that keeps me up during the night.

“i desired him away from the house but my partner wouldn’t have some of it, and so I simply pretended like he didn’t exist, ” he continued.

“I don’t think I’m able to explain just exactly just what it is choose to reside in exactly the same home as somebody, see them every single day, eat supper for six months with them, and never say a word to them, never make eye contact with them.

“Then he went away to university and didn’t keep coming back. ”

The dad told Reddit he’d discriminated against other homosexual individuals in a variety of terrible methods, admitting which he “used to put rocks at gays” and therefore he had “tried to have somebody kicked from the Corps because we thought he had been homosexual. Continua a leggere