Jute makes for extremely good photos in it’s un-dyed state

That’s right, it doesn’t degrade. It IMPROVES. You don’t get great photo worthy ties with it; though you still get a restrained person, which is always good, and may be all you want in your photo. Summary:. Knots are not at all difficult to unpick; because of the compactness of that tight lay, it doesn’t tend to squish and become difficult. Cons:. Again, this is related to the lack of friction. This is pretty cool because you don’t get bulky, unsightly looking knots. 5 millimetre tossa jute. Pros:.

Summary:. If you’re looking for good restraint bondage rope and enjoy using knots, this is probably what you should go for. Basically all the same cons as the one just above, with the addition of bulkier knots due to the increased thickness of it. Weighs more than the one above, but that’s not a massive issue. What was left wouldn’t be as strong, but it might very well be suitable for bedroom tying. I was in an experimental mood, so I bought some and took it home with me.

I don’t remember exactly how much I paid in NZD, but it was between $150.00 to $180.00 with shipping included. The second lot of jute I purchased (200 metres, 8 mm) cost a lot more, but I was treating myself to a “savings milestone” so I’m not too upset. If you love to color rope (think your partner would look hot in deep purple or something), nylon is also a good choice (pure nylon, not poly-blends with nylon, not poly-pro, poly doesn’t accept dye). Nylon is nicely smooth and comfortable as well, but it has very low tooth, so you need to use surgeon’s knots instead of square knots and any half-hitch style knot should be done three times instead of two. Above; undyed five mil tossa jute; below, 6 mil dyed tossa jute. It takes natural fibre dye surprisingly well, given the already existing golden colour. It feels really soft and smooth; very good flex, too. Likely to get quite compact knots with it.

I got my first set of five millimeter jute from Jade Rope (fairly large set, about 80 metres) for about $113.00 Australian dollars before shipping. I don’t remember exactly how much I paid in NZD, but it was between $150.00 to $180.00 with shipping included. It’s amazing, and you and your partners will thank me. If you’ve benefited from or enjoyed what you’ve read, then please check out Rope Bondage The Smart Way, which answers every conceivable question for the beginner, shares my favorite ties and how to use them to best advantage. It’s incredibly light. With the core removed, a single hank of it weighs almost nothing.

HOWEVER. The stuff I got from Twisted Monk is a very different story. Let’s face it, price is a factor. It’s a really significant factor. Very few knots required. All the same pros as hemp, basically, with a few more thrown in. It’s incredibly light. With the core removed, a single hank of it weighs almost nothing. Pros:. Has really excellent tooth; you can feel quite certain that your hitches etc will do the job to hold things in place.